If a business listed on this page has a web site on the
internet, a direct link may have been provided. By clicking on the underlined name a new
window will open to that business web site. When you are finished browsing that web site
simply close that window and you will return to this page. To obtain a direct link to your
business website contact the Chamber of Commerce Office at 201-843-7792.
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This page is for the alumni web
pages that have been created for the internet by graduating students of the high school. These
pages also contain information for upcoming reunions.
Click on year to go to that web page
S.B.H.S. Homepage
S.B.H.S. Chorus
S.B. H. S. Falcons Marching Band
If you know of a Saddle Brook High School web page for a year
that is not displayed, please email the webmaster so that it
may be linked to this site. If a current alumni site changes its' URL, please email the change to
the webmaster.
Thank you. |